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Amendment Standard – Inactive-Withdrawn.This amendment specifies the changes required to IEEE 802.5, 1999 Edition (ISO/IEC8802-5:1998 base standard), IEEE Stds 802.5r and 802.5j, 1998 Edition (ISO/IEC 8802-5:1998/Amd. 1:1998), and IEEE Std 802.5t-1999, to support 1000 Mbit/s Dedicated Token Ring (DTR) operation. The base standard together with Amendment 1 specifies shared and dedicated (point-to-point) Token Ring operation at both 4 and 16 Mbit/s using either the TKP Access Protocol or theTXI Access Protocol. IEEE Std 802.5t-2000 extends Token Ring operation to 100 Mbit/s for the DTR C-Port and Station using the TXI Access Protocol. This standard extends Token Ring opera-tion to 1000 Mbit/s for the DTR C-Port and Station using the TXI Access Protocol. Extensions to the Media Access Control have been made to accommodate the requirements for the 1000 Mbit/s media rate.

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1 file , 1.7 MB
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