UOP 602-89

Soxhlet Extraction of Catalyst
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1989

UOP 326-82

Diene Value by Maleic Anhydride Addition Reaction
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1982

UOP 825-81

Monoethanolamine in Solutions by Color Indicator Titration
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1981

UOP 586-71

Sulfur in Hydrocarbons by Oxy – Hydrogen Combustion
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1971

UOP 387-62

Arsenic in Petroleum Stocks and Catalysts by Spectrophotometry (Withdrawn 2011)
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1962

UOP 1021-17

Determination of Trace Methyl and Ethyl Mercaptan in Polymer Grade Ethylene & Propylene by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 10/01/2017

UOP 542-88

Trace Diolefins, Acetlyenes and Non-Condensable Hydrocarbons in LPG by GC
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1988

UOP 333-89

Fines in 1.6-mm (1/16-Inch) Spherical Catalysts and Bases by Sieve Analysis
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1989

UOP 377-90

Free Sulfur in LPG by Mercury Number
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1990

UOP 326-08

Diene Value by Maleic Anhydride Addition Reaction
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/29/2008

UOP 1000-13

Smoke Point Determination of Kerosene and Aviation Turbine Fuel Using an Automated Method
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 03/01/2013

UOP 703-98

Carbon on Catalysts by Induction Furnace Combustion and Infrared Detection
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1998