JIS B 4711:1991

Cutter blocks for wood planing (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1991

JIS B 7983:1994

Continuous analyzers for oxygen in flue gas (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1994

JIS B 7993:2008

Automated measuring systems for flue gas using non-exractive methods (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2008

JIS B 2406:1991

O-rings housings — Design criteria
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1991

JIS B 7728:2002

Calibration of force-proving instruments used for the verification of uniaxial testing machines
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2002

JIS B 2401-4:2012

O-rings — Part 4: Anti-extrusion rings (back-up rings) (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2012

JIS B 8347:2009

Hydraulic fluid power — Identification of manifold assemblies and their components (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2009

JIS B 4052:1988

Recommendation of wheels for free hand grinding
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1988

JIS B 1582:1996

Bushes for journal bearings (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1996

JIS B 1517:1984

Packaging of rolling bearings
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1984

JIS B 3521:2004

Protocol specification for FA control network standard (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2004