IEEE P802.3dd
IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Maintenance #17: Power over Data Lines of Single Pair Ethernet
Amendment by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Maintenance #17: Power over Data Lines of Single Pair Ethernet
Amendment by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Guide for Early Detection, Mitigation, Preventative Measures, and Response to Smoke, Fire, and Explosions in Underground Electrical Structures
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Relays, Relay Systems, and Control Devices used for Protection and Control of Electric Power Apparatus ¿¿¿ Radiated Electromagnetic Interference Withstand Capability Requirements and Tests
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Guide for Human Factors Engineering for the Validation of System Designs and Integrated Systems Operations at Nuclear Facilities
standard by IEEE, 01/20/2022
IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment 2: Physical Layers and management parameters for increased-reach point-to-multipoint Ethernet optical subscriber access (Super-PON)
Amendment by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 100 Gb/s, 200 Gb/s, and 400 Gb/s Electrical Interfaces Based on 100 Gb/s Signaling
Amendment by IEEE,
IEEE Recommended Practice for Specifying Electric Submersible Pump Cable–Ethylene-Propylene Rubber Insulation
standard by IEEE, 01/20/2022
IEEE Draft Standard Design, Test, and Application Requirements for Microprocessor-Based Controls of Distribution Padmount, Dry Vault, Wet Vault, and Polemount Switchgear Rated Above 1 kV and Up to and Including 38 kV
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Guide for Electric Power Distribution Reliability Indices
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for the Design and Performance Requirements of Bushings Applied to Liquid Immersed Distribution Transformers
standard by IEEE,