IEEE C37.20.1-1987

IEEE Standard for Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit-Breaker Switchgear
standard by IEEE, 06/29/1987

IEEE 857-1990

IEEE Guide for Test Procedures for HVDC Thyristor Valves
standard by IEEE, 09/10/1990

IEEE 802.11n-2009

IEEE Standard for Information technology– Local and metropolitan area networks– Specific requirements– Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC)and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 5: Enhancements for Higher Throughput
standard by IEEE, 10/29/2009

IEEE 746-1984

IEEE Standard for Performance Measurements of A/D and D/A Converters for PCM Television Video Circuits
standard by IEEE, 10/15/1984

IEEE 625-1979

IEEE Recommended Practices to Improve Electrical Maintenance and Safety in the Cement Industry
standard by IEEE, 08/03/1979

IEEE C37.27-1987

IEEE Standard Application Guide for Low-Voltage AC Nonintegrally Fused Power Circuit Breakers (Using Separately Mounted Current-Limiting Fuses)
standard by IEEE, 07/06/1987

IEEE 532-2007

IEEE Guide for Selecting and Testing Jackets for Power, Instrumentation, and Control Cables
standard by IEEE, 01/07/2008

IEEE 45.5-2014

IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard — Safety Considerations
standard by IEEE, 10/28/2014

IEEE C37.40-1993

IEEE Standard Service Conditions and Definitions for High Voltage Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches & Accessories
standard by IEEE, 10/26/1993

IEEE 813-1988

IEEE Specification Format Guide and Test Procedure for Two-Degree-of-Freedom Dynamically Tuned Gyros
standard by IEEE, 06/05/1989

IEEE P802.11ay

IEEE Draft Standard for Information Technology–Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems Local and Metropolitan Area Networks–Specific Requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications–Amendment: Enhanced Throughput for Operat
Amendment by IEEE,