CTA 849-B (R2013)
Application Profiles for CEA-775 Compliant DTVs (Formerly ANSI/CEA 849-B)
standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 10/01/2008
Application Profiles for CEA-775 Compliant DTVs (Formerly ANSI/CEA 849-B)
standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 10/01/2008
Recommended Practice for ATSC 3.0 Television Sets, Logical Layer
standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 12/11/2017
DTV 1394 Interface Specification (Formerly CEA 775-C)
standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 09/01/2008
Definitions and Characteristics for Wearable Sleep Monitors
standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 09/01/2016
Consumer Camcorder or Video Camera Low Light Performance (R2010) (Formerly ANSI/CEA 639)
standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 12/01/2010
Home Theater Video Design (Formerly CEA)
standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 03/09/2017
HDR Static Metadata Extensions
standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 07/01/2016
Wireless Power Glossary of Terms (Formerly ANSI/CEA 2042.1-B)
standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 08/31/2015
Wireless Power Glossary of Terms (Formerly CEA)
standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 06/13/2012