Suggestions for the Care of High Pressure Air Cylinders for Underwater Breathing
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 04/26/2013

CGA P-83

Guidelines for Cleaning Externally Contaminated Medical Gas Containers
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 08/18/2019

CGA G-1.1

Commodity Specification for Acetylene
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 07/01/2017

CGA P-87

Guideline for Avoiding Container Product Migration and Contamination During Use (Formerly SB-36), First Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 02/18/2020

CGA G-8.4

Safe Practices for the Production of Nitrous Oxide From Ammonium Nitrate
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 04/01/2016


CGA Position Statement on on Transport of Compressed Gas Cylinders and Cryogenic Liquid Containers in Elevatorss
Position Statement by Compressed Gas Association, 11/01/2016

CGA G-8.3

Safe Practices for Storage and Handling of Nitrous Oxide
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 11/05/2019

CGA P-48

Reciprocating Cryogenic Pumps and Pump Installation, First Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 05/01/2014


Guideline for the Safe Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Cylinders
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 01/01/2018


CGA Position Statement on Adjacent Storage of Compressed Hydrogen and Other Flammable Gases
Position Statement by Compressed Gas Association, 11/29/2005

CGA P-44

Selection of Personal Protective Equipment
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 12/01/2017

CGA G-6.8

Transfilling and Safe Handling of Small Carbon Dioxide Cylinders, Third Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 08/01/2016