BS 1373:1947
Clothes line posts
standard by BSI Group, 03/17/1947
Specification for unreinforced wood wool cement slabs up to 3 in thick
standard by BSI Group, 03/16/1963
Magnetic compasses and binnacles. For use in merchant ships.
standard by BSI Group, 01/29/1959
Method for the determination of tetraethyl lead in gasoline (hydrochloric acid method)
standard by BSI Group, 07/16/1957
Methods for the measurement of distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics
standard by BSI Group, 12/31/1968
Methods of testing plastics. Sampling and test specimen preparation-Compression moulding test specimens of thermoplastic materials
standard by BSI Group, 10/31/1977
Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties-Determination of bulk density and true porosity of shaped insulating products (method 1902-307)
standard by BSI Group, 02/27/1981
Specification for calcium silicate (sandlime and flintlime) bricks
standard by BSI Group, 07/30/1970
Specification for nominal diameters of built-up tins
standard by BSI Group, 07/12/1951
Methods of testing plastics. Sampling and test specimen preparation.. Compression moulding test specimens of thermosetting materials
standard by BSI Group, 02/28/1992
Specification for calibration blocks and recommendations for their use in ultrasonic flaw detection
standard by BSI Group, 05/20/1966