AWPA P5-14

Standard for Waterborne Preservatives
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2014

AWPA M1-00

Standard for the Purchase of Treated Wood Products
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 07/01/2000

AWPA P5-01

Standard for Waterborne Preservatives
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/2001


Standard for Hydrocarbon Solvent, Type G
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2017

AWPA P58-15

Standard for 3-Iodo-2-Propynyl Butyl Carbamate / Permethrin (IPBC/PER)
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2015

AWPA P49-09

Standard for Fire Retardant FR-1 (FR-1)
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 04/01/2009

AWPA P4-94

Standard for Petroleum Oil for Blending with Creosote
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/1994

AWPA P35-16

Standard for Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2016

AWPA P1/P13-01

Standard for Creosote Preservative
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/2001

AWPA M19-11

Standard for Destination Inspections
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2011

AWPA M20-15

Guidelines for Minimizing Oil-Type Wood Preservative Migration
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2015

AWPA E9-14

Standard Field Test for the Evaluation of Wood Preservatives to be Used Above Ground (UC3A and UC3B); L-Joint Test
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2014