ASCE 50-08 (R2016), 51-08 (R2016)

Standard Guideline for Fitting Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Using Probability Density Functions (50-08) / Standard Guideline for Calculating the Effective Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (51-08)
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 09/01/2008

ASCE 69-19

Standard Guidelines for Managed Aquifer Recharge
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 05/12/2020

ASCE 55-10

Tensile Membrane Structures
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 09/01/2010

ASCE 24-14

Flood Resistant Design and Construction
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014

ASCE 42-17

Standard Practice for the Design, Conduct, and Evaluation of Operational Precipitation Enhancement Projects
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 04/17/2017

ASCE 15-17

Standard Practice for Direct Design of Buried Precast Concrete Pipe Using Standard Installations (SIDD)
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 06/08/2017

ASCE Manual of Practice No. 104

Recommended Practice for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Products for Overhead Utility Line Structures (MOP 104)
Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Society of Civil Engineers, 11/15/2019

ASCE 41023

Contemporary Topics in Ground Modification, Problem Soils, and Geo-Support
Conference Proceeding by American Society of Civil Engineers, 01/26/2009

ASCE 48-11

Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 2012


Water Distribution System Analysis WITHDRAWN – NO REPLACEMENT
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 01/01/1968