ASCE 7-05 Seismic Loads

Seismic Loads: Guide to the Seismic Load Provisions of ASCE 7-05
Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Society of Civil Engineers, 2010

ASCE 40262

Wind Loads and Anchor Bolt Design for Petrochemical Facilities
Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Society of Civil Engineers, 01/01/1997

ASCE 40-03

Regulated Riparian Model Water Code, EWRI/ASCE 40-03
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 01/01/2004

ASCE 30-14

Guideline for Condition Assessment of the Building Envelope
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 07/15/2014

ASCE 1-82

N-725 Guideline for Design and Analysis of Nuclear Safety Related Earth Structures
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 01/01/1983

ASCE 25-06

Earthquake-Actuated Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 01/01/2008

ASCE 19-10

Structural Applications of Steel Cables for Buildings
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 11/01/2010

ASCE 53-19

Compaction Grouting Consensus Guide
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 03/01/2019

ASCE 7-10 Snow Loads

Snow Loads: Guide to the Snow Load Provisions of ASCE 7-10
Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Society of Civil Engineers, 2010

ASCE 7-98

Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 01/01/1998

ASCE 31-03

Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 01/01/2003