AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 5-2010

Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas C2 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables – Wind classification C2 – Seasoned softwood – Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010)
standard by Standards Australia, 06/21/2010

AS 4276.1:2021

Water microbiology, Method 1: Water quality – General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations by culture (ISO 8199:2018, MOD)
standard by Standards Australia, 03/05/2021

AS 5364:2021

Earth-moving machinery – Wheeled machines – Steering requirements
standard by Standards Australia, 04/01/2021

AS 3772:2020

Pre-engineered fire protection systems for cooking equipment
standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020

AS ISO 9248:2021

Earth-moving machinery – Units for dimensions, performance and capacities, and their measurement accuracies
standard by Standards Australia, 04/01/2021

AS 61869.3:2021

Instrument transformers, Part 3: Additional requirements for inductive voltage transformers (IEC 61869-3:2011 (ED.1.0) MOD)
standard by Standards Australia, 02/26/2021

AS ISO 10533:2021

Earth-moving machinery – Lift-arm support devices
standard by Standards Australia, 04/01/2021

AS 61869.4:2021

Instrument transformers, Part 4: Additional requirements for combined transformers (IEC 61869-4:2013 (ED.1.0) MOD)
standard by Standards Australia, 02/26/2021

AS EN 16579:2020

Playing field equipment – Portable and permanent socketed goals – Functional, safety requirements and test methods
standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020

AS ISO 22915.4:2021

Industrial trucks – Verification of stability, Part 4: Pallet stackers, double stackers and order-picking trucks with operator position elevating up to and including 1 200 mm lift height
standard by Standards Australia, 04/16/2021