High-pressure High-temperature (HPHT) Flange Design Methodology, First Edition
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 08/01/2020

API Std 2350

Overfill Prevention for Storage Tanks in Petroleum Facilities, Fifth Edition
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 09/01/2020

API Spec 20F Errata 1

Errata to Corrosion Resistant Bolting for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries, Second Edition
Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 11/01/2020

API Std 6FA Errata 2

Errata to Standard for Fire Test of Valves, Fifth Edition
Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 08/01/2020

API Spec 20B

Open Die Shaped Forgings for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry, Second Edition
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 11/01/2020

API RP 577

Welding Processes, Inspection, and Metallurgy, Third Edition
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 10/01/2020

API Std 520, Part 2

Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-relieving Devices: Part II – Installation, Seventh Edition
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 10/01/2020

API Spec 8C Errata 2

Errata to Specification for Drilling and Production Hoisting Equipment (PSL 1 and PSL 2), Fifth Edition
Amendment by American Petroleum Institute,

API Spec 6A Errata 3

Errata to Specification for Wellhead and Tree Equipment, Twenty-First Edition
Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 09/01/2020

API MPMS Chapter 19.2

Evaporative Loss from Floating-roof Tanks, Fourth Edition
Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Petroleum Institute, 08/01/2020


Laboratory Testing of Drilling Fluids, Ninth Edition
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 12/01/2020