ADS AS61970-979
2 Bolt Flanged Adaptor, Straight Spigot, with Integral Filler – for Metric Tube 'O' Ring Groove & Fasteners
Data Sheet by SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited), 09/01/1990
2 Bolt Flanged Adaptor, Straight Spigot, with Integral Filler – for Metric Tube 'O' Ring Groove & Fasteners
Data Sheet by SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited), 09/01/1990
Pin, Quick-Release (Ball Type) Alloy Steel, 'L' Handle, Double Acting
Data Sheet by SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited), 03/19/1981
B.S.4 Chain (1/2" Pitch) and Fittings Assembly Code, Non-Reversible Control
Data Sheet by SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited), 01/13/1969
1/4" Bore – Sediment Drain Valve
Data Sheet by SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited), 06/22/1971
Switch Body Pilot's Control Wheel
Data Sheet by SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited), 02/26/1951
Self-Locking Nuts, Single, Long Lug Anchor, Steel, Cadmium Plated, 125,000lbs/ 250°C
Data Sheet by SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited), 06/10/1970
Nut, Self Locking Shank, Flange Restrained, 0.1900-32 UNJF-3B BS4084, based on AS27852 with 1g, 2g, & 3g of additional mass
Data Sheet by SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited), 05/01/1992
Nut, Reduced Hexagon, S/Locking, Deep Counterbored, Metric Series
Data Sheet by SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited), 05/01/1990
Data Sheet by SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited), 10/27/1953
Assembly of Flush Drain Valve ¿ 11/4" Bore
Data Sheet by SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited), 04/06/1970
Pins, Quick-Release (Ball Type), Non C.R. Steel, 'L' Handle, Single Acting
Data Sheet by SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards (Formerly ADS Group Limited), 03/19/1981