NACE RP0170-93(R1997)

Standard Recommended Practice – Protection of Austenitic Stainless Steels and Other Austenitic Alloys from Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking During Shutdown of Refinery Equipment
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 01/01/1993

AS B151-1956

Quick-release tapers and gauges for quick-release tapers
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1956

BS PD IEC TS 61496-4-2:2022

Safety of machinery. Electro-sensitive protective equipment-Particular requirements for equipment using vision based protective devices (VBPD). Additional requirements when using reference pattern techniques (VBPDPP)
standard by BSI Group, 04/30/2023

NACE RP0775-2005

Preparation, Installation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Corrosion Coupons in Oilfield Operations
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 04/07/2005

BS PD ISO/TS 23357:2023

Genomics informatics – Clinical genomics data sharing specification for next-generation sequencing
standard by BSI Group, 07/14/2023

NACE MR0103-2010

Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 10/22/2010

AS/NZS ISO 21225.2:2023

Plastics piping systems for the trenchless replacement of underground pipeline networks, Part 2: Replacement off the line by horizontal directional drilling and impact moling
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 03/31/2023

AS 60068.2.31:2023

Environmental testing, Part 2.31: Tests – Test Ec: Rough handling shocks, primarily for equipment-type specimens (IEC 60068-2-31:2008 (ED. 2.0) MOD)
standard by Standards Australia, 05/12/2023

NACE MR0175-2002

Standard Material Requirements – Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oilfield Equipment
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 01/01/2002

NACE SP0394-2023

Application, Performance, and Quality Control of Plant-Applied Single-Layer Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipe Coating
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 03/27/2023